2. Poetry and allegiance in the English civil wars :


Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

Subject: Hall, John,1627-1656-- Friends and associates.,Lovelace, Richard,1618-1658-- Friends and associates.,Marvell, Andrew,1621-1678-- Friends and associates.,Lovelace, Richard.,Marvell, Andrew,1621-1678.,Hall, John,1627-1656-- vänner och kollegor.,Hall, John,1627-1656.,Lovelace, Richard, 1618-1658,Lovelace, Richard,1618-1658-- vänner och kollegor.,Lovelace, Richard,1618-1658.,Lovelace, Richard.,Marvell, Andrew, 1621-1678,Marvell, Andrew,1621-1678-- vänner och kollegor.,Marvell, Andrew,1621-1678.,Marvell, Andrew,1621-1678.,Marvell, Andrew.,Allegiance in literature.,English poetry-- Early modern, 1500-1700-- History and criticism.,Politics and literature-- Great Britain-- History-- 17th century.,War and literature-- Great Britain-- History-- 17th century.,18.05 English literature.,Allegiance in literature.,British & Irish history: c 1500 to c 1700-- c 1600 to c 1700-- England.,Burgeroorlogen.,Civil war-- c 1600 to c 1700-- England.,Engels.,Engelska inbördeskriget 1642-1649-- och litteraturen.,Englisch,Englischer Bürgerkrieg,English poetry-- Early modern.,Freundschaft,Friendship.,Gedichten.,Litteratur och politik-- Storbritannien-- 1600-talet.,Lyrik,Poetry & poets-- c 1600 to c 1700-- England.,Politics and literature.,Politieke ideologie.,War and literature.,Great Britain, History, Civil War, 1642-1649, Literature and the war.,England, Bürgerkrieg.,Englisch.,Great Britain., 0, 7, 7, 7

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